Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30th, 2015

What a rainy Wednesday! Today we practiced subtraction with borrowing. We did reading centers, had double computer, and did writer's workshop this afternoon.

-Grammar pg. 11-12
-Math pg. 17-18

-PE clothes

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday, September 29th, 2015

We're nearing the end of September already! Today we learned about subjects and predicates in grammar. In math, we practiced estimating, then finding the exact answer to addition problems. We read more Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and created a timeline by sequencing the events. This afternoon, we learned about super moons, blood moons, and the lunar eclipse!

-Spelling pg. 11-12
-Grammar pg. 9-10
-Math pg. 15-16


Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday, September 28th, 2015

-Spelling pg. 9-10
-Math review (homemade)

-PE clothes

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday, September 25th, 2015

Today we took our spelling tests, practiced stacking addition problems to line up the places, took a grammar quiz, read more in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, read Memoirs of a Hamster together, read to our book buddies, and cleaned our desks. Busy day! Have a great weekend!

-Reading log


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday, September 24th, 2015

Today we did some partner reading in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and talked about how not to spoil a book for someone else. We took our first quiz in math and practiced 4-digit addition with carrying. Then we read Memoirs of a Goldfish, learned about dialogue, and did writer's workshop!

-Study spelling
-Math pg. 11-12
-Reading log

-Reading logs must be signed by a parent/guardian

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

We used cut-out cards to practice place value today, along with some partner work. In reading we continued making tex-to-self connections with our sticky notes in the next chapter of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Then we finished the day with a little writer's workshop!

-Grammar pg. 7-8
-Math (homemade) pg. 7-8

-PE clothes
-Spanish quiz tomorrow
-Yankee Candle orders due tomorrow

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

Today we learned about imperative and exclamatory sentences. In math, we practiced rounding with larger numbers. While reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing we practiced making text-to-self connections with sticky notes! This afternoon, we had "work time" to finish up math journal pages and start our homework.

-Spelling pg. 7-8
-Grammar pg. 5-6
-Math pg. 9-10

-Yankee Candle orders due Thursday
-Missing paperwork....

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 21st, 2015

Happy Monday! Today we read numbers using group names in math. We practiced sequencing and summarizing again in reading, plus we read the chapter called "My Brother the Bird" in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. We found three ways to spell long a and one way to spell long i in spelling. Finally, we continued writing/conferencing/revising during writer's workshop!

-Spelling pg. 5-6
-Math pg. 5-6

-PE clothes
-Library books
-Yankee Candle fundraisers due Thursday

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday, September 18th, 2015

Today we took our spelling test, practiced rounding, did some sequencing with Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, worked on our writing pieces, and released our butterflies!!

Last call for online book orders! Our class code is MDHQM.

-None (except reading log)

-Outdoor movie tonight
-Yankee Candle orders due Thurs. Sept. 24th

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

Today we had Spanish (there's a test on the colors next week). In math, we did more place value and practiced writing numbers in standard, word, and expanded form. Then we practiced summarizing and listened to more Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. During writer's workshop, we practiced peer conferencing and started working on our first published piece. 

-Study for spelling test
-Math pg. 3-4

-Book orders due tomorrow
-Outdoor movie tomorrow night
-Yankee Candle orders due Sept. 24th
-Any missing paperwork

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

Today we learned about place value using the Mathboards; ones, quick tens, hundred boxes, and thousand bars. We started reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing together, had double computer, and did a little writing using the story starters "One time I..." and "When I was..."

-Grammar pg. 3-4
-Math pg. 1-2
-Math journal if not finished in class

-Book orders due Friday
-Outdoor movie Friday, 8:30ish (when it's dark)
-Yankee Candle orders due Sept. 24th
-Paperwork (if any is still missing)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 10th, 2015

Today we finished up Open House projects, transferred the chrysalides to the butterfly enclosure, met the last two "Stars of the Day," and had PE and Spanish! Hope to see you at Open House!

-None (except for paperwork)

-Open House 6-7pm
-Outdoor Movie Sept. 18th
-Yankee Candle orders due Sept. 24th

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

Today we read a book about the life cycle of a butterfly and started drawing life cycle diagrams. We also talked about Glenburn PRIDE, had computer class, and worked on our Open House projects.

-Math page (addition)
-Any missing paperwork

-Open House Thursday Sept. 10th 6-7pm
-Outdoor movie CHANGED to next Friday, Sept. 18th (rain)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

Hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!

Today we met three new "Stars of the Day," worked on our math assessments, and started posters for Open House. Our caterpillars changed over the weekend- they are now in chrysalides! (plural of chrysalis)


-Open House Thursday 6-7pm
-Outdoor Movie, Friday 8:30pm

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday, September 3rd, 2015

Welcome to 4th grade!! 
It's been a great start to the year- what a great group of kids!

The first two days were spent learning routines and getting to know each other. We also read Miss Nelson is Missing and played some fun games. 

Today we did a "math warmup" with partners, had a fire drill, met the three Stars of the Day, did some writing about our lives/summers, and learned about conflict resolution.

-Bring in a photo of yourself (for an Open House project)
-Paperwork (office forms, "Getting to Know You" form, recorder orders, blue computer form)

-Open House Thursday, Sept. 10th from 6pm-7pm
-Outside Movie Night Friday, September 11th at 8:30pm (movie: "Paddington")